CPL-SCS-04 -Slut Shaming

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Published: Posted on
Wrestlers: ,
Category: Female Wrestling, New
Full Video: 16 Minutes
Format: MP4
Download Price: $15.99 USD

Maxxi can be a little possessive of certain girls, well mostly Bella. When she watched a video on the site with Bella and another girl, she had to arrange a match again with Bella, this time so she can mark her territory and out of sheer jealousy. Maxxi came out dressed in an extremely sexy black lace g-string, garter, and nylons, with a leather top, she was smoking hot. Bella was all excited to see Maxxi, but things take a turn quickly as Maxxi comes over to the camera and says “can we switch things up and do things my way?” The camera guy seemed a bit hesitant but agreed to let her. Now Bella and the camera guy had no idea what was about to transpire. Maxxi turns to Bella and grabs her throwing her to the mats. She jumps on top of her, then says “I am mistress Maxxi, you do what i tell you, and if you don’t you get punished”. Bella was like ” I don’t like that” as Maxxi speaks up saying ” that’s too fucking bad” and jumps on Bella’s face smothering her. Bella begins to tap but Maxxi either ignores the taps, or lifts up ever so slightly then slams right back down. Maxxi then reaches back and grabs a handful of Bella’s pussy squeezing it, as you can hear Bella’s muffled cries in Maxxi’s pussy. Maxxi says” aww what’s wrong you don’t like that”, let’s go and grabs Bella’s hair with both hands pulling her face deeper into her crotch. Maxxi dishes out a few more sexy facesits, then a throat ch0ke and hand over mouth combo, before dropping right back into another facesit. Maxxi reaches back once again and gets another handful of Bella’s pussy saying ” yeah do you like when i grab your crotch”, Bella whining in pain. Maxxi then slowly leans down, face to face with Bella, and moves up slowly placing her perfectly shaped tits into Bella’s face smothering her with them. She begins to shake them in her face and Maxxi commands Bella to kiss them. Easily complying Bella kisses both her tits numerous times. Pouncing back up Maxxi lands squarely on Bella’s face smothering her again. After enduring more facesitting, Maxxi leans down wrapping one hand around Bella’s throat, then other hand over mouth. she stared down into Bella’s eyes as she watches her face turn deep red. Maxxi was feeling very frisky now, bending down grabbing Bella’s head turning it to the side, and teasing her, then bites Bella’s ear. Sitting up beside her now, she grabs Bella by the throat, and turns her attention to her other ear now. Maxxi licks her ear in a gracefully sexual way, then bites down on it, as Bella shrieks in pain. Maxxi keeps one hand latched around her throat while she slides the other back down grabbing Bella’s pussy again. Once finished that, Maxxi goes right back to facesitting, this time it was more intense. Unexpectedly Maxxi jumps back a bit, slaps then mauls Bella’s tits pinching and twisting her nipples. Maxxi was really getting off sexually punishing Bella. She sits off to the side of Bella, and slams her foot down onto her mouth telling Bella to kiss her feet, then she shoves her nylon covered foot into Bella’s mouth. Maxxi asks her ” do you like that?” “well I do, so do it again” and rams her foot back into her mouth practically gagginG her. she lifts her arm up a bit, and Maxxi slaps it telling her to keep it down. Maxxi puts a hair tie around Bella’s wrists, and spins into reverse. She plants her very shapely ass down onto Bella’s mouth and nose, then reaches down and gives Bella a front wedgie pulling up hard on her thong. Bella screams into Maxxi’s pussy, as she is relentless with the reverse facesitting. Maxxi jumps off and rolls Bella onto her stomach, she starts caressing her body up and down and slaps her ass. Maxxi starts kissing her leg, and works her way up to Bella’s ass, and bites down super hard, actually making Bella yell in pain. After she was done biting her ass, she slaps it and rolls Bella onto her back. Bella gets another dose of Maxxi’s ass in her face, smothering her again. As Maxxi lifts up she looks back at Bella and she asks “is there anything else your going to do to me?”. Maxxi responds with “just watch and see” and rams her ass back down onto Bella’s face. Bella was almost in tears as Maxxi turns back into forward, she takes her fingers and shoves them down Bella’s throat as she ch0kes on them. Maxxi attacks Bella’s breasts again with Bella crying out in even more pain, as she begs her mistress to stop. Maxxi stops with the breast attack, and shoves Bella’s head to the side, now she slowly licks Bella’s neck, and bites down twice leaving bite marks. Clearly this was Maxxi’s way of marking her territory, as she left bite marks all over Bella’s body. She continues with loads more forward facesitting burying Bella’s face deep in her crotch, unable to breathe at all. With another hand over mouth throat ch0ke, Maxxi turns Bella face down on the mats again, slapping her ass hard where she bit her, and snapping her bra straps. The slaps and snaps echoed throughout the room. Maxxi bites her ass in the exact same spot as before and with a close up view, you can see every one of her teeth marks implanted now on Bella’s ass. She rolls Bella onto her back, and stands above her placing her foot over her mouth and nose, foot smothering her now. Maxxi makes her open her mouth and shoves her foot in Bella’s mouth and told her to suck. She didn’t listen and Maxxi yells out” I SAID SUCK”, and Bella began to suck her foot like it was a cock. After the foot sucking and smothering, Maxxi drags Bella to the middle of the mat saying ” you have no idea what you got yourself into” as she pins her down. Using another forward facesit, all you could see was the desperate look on Bella’s eyes gleaming out from beneath Maxxi’s crotch. Maxxi then pulls out what looked to be a marker, but it was actually a black eye liner pencil. Bella was whimpering uncontrollably now, trembling in fear, as Maxxi readies her fancy writing tool. Maxxi keeps the facesit on, telling Bella to relax her face as she begins drawing the word SLUT on her forehead. in big letters the word slut is draped all across her forehead now, as Maxxi slides back and begins writing the word cunt on her tits. Bella was actually tearing up and ready to cry. Maxxi then draws XO on Bella’s cheek then signs her name there as well. Maxxi gets off Bella, then leans down gives her a kiss and walks away, having marked her territory now once and for all. This is an EPIC show of domination from a superbly smoking hot playboy model who clearly shows her darkside, and emits her sexuality and dominance over another female. Something you do not see everyday.


5 thoughts on “CPL-SCS-04 -Slut Shaming”

  1. Maxxi has such an amazing body & she looks absolutely beautiful in that sexy lingerie & I absolutely love her reverse facesit & front wedgie on Bella & not to mention i absolutely love the way Maxxi is using a black eye liner pencil & drawing the word “Slut” in big letters on Bella’s Forehead & “Cunt” In big letters on Bella’s Tits!

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