CPL-BZM-7 Near Victory

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Wrestlers: ,
Category: Female Wrestling, New
Full Video: 15 Minutes
Format: MP4
Download Price: $16.99 USD

CPL-BZM-7 Near Victory

Mia is facing off against a fairly new girl Zara. Mia certainly had more experience than Zara, but that does not stop Zara from giving it her all against Mia. As they begin, the match quickly turns in Mia’s favor as she pins Zara down and watches her struggle beneath her. Mia lifts up higher and plants herself on her face, then starts to trash talk her, making Zara tap for air. Zara puts up a valiant fight and escapes, only to be subdued and pinned again by Mia. Still fighting hard, Zara escapes and turns the tables now, pinning Mia down. Once secured, Mia tries to escape but finds herself at the mercy of Zara strong pins, and facesits before she switches to a cross body pin.

After an exhausting fight, Mia breaks free, climbing back on top of Zara. Now Mia uses forward and reverse facesits in hopes of winding her tough opponent. Zara manages to finally get out, only to find Mia right back on top again. Zara was a fighter for sure and not easily winded as Mia had anticipated. With one heaving push Zara dislodges Mia that sends her crashing to the mats, Zara following up with a quick mount herself. Now with lots of forward and reverse facesits, Mia was tiring fast.

When Zara has Mia down in forward she even bounces on her and says “do you want more”. Moving into a cross body pin, she digs her ribs into Mia’s neck nearly crushing her windpipe. Zara gets back on top in a forward tight pin, and they trash talk one another then Zara facesits Mia over and over until she finally admits her defeat. Zara gives her one last hard bounce on her chest and stays on Mia’s neck looking down at her beaten foe. Mia was so close to having this match, but Zara proved to be too strong for her.

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