All performers featured on this site were 18+ at time of filming, photo ID age verified. This site was designed to be used and viewed solely by people who are at least 18 years of age, or who are otherwise legally considered to be of adult age depending on the community in which they live,who wish to access materials that are visually graphic in nature including portrayals of nudity and sexual acts. If you are not legally considered to be of adult age as determined by the community in which you live, or find such material offensive in nature,or simply do not wish to be exposed to such materials YOU MUST LEAVE NOW
Wish these two would compete more. J-Lynn one of my favs could not beat Shanya! Wish there was a few rematches
there are 2 more matches from back in the day with them not put out on the site yet.
Any updates on these matches being released?
Great match, one of the best I’ve bought so far! Highly recommend.
Anymore videos with Shanya being released in the near future? If not, are there more within the members section?
I do have more with her yes, things are hectic atm, so i will add them in the new year. thanks
Great news, I’ll take them all!